Here are my wishes for you during this wonderful holiday season.
I have a few wishes for you this holiday season:
I wish you time to reflect. Reflect on what’s important to you and how you can nurture that in your life. Reflect on what you’re grateful for and what you’ve learned.
I wish you time to relax. These last couple of years have been hard, so relax and heal from the losses, drama, and pain.
I wish you time for fun. We haven’t had nearly enough of it, so really embrace having fun during the holidays.
“Reflect on what’s important to you and how you can nurture that in your life.”
I wish you time to dream. Dream about what can be, where you want to go, or what you want your life to look like someday. Walt Disney created his vision of Disneyland long before it existed. What is your legacy?
I wish you time to plan. How are you going to march towards that legacy every day?
I wish you time to remember and be in the moment. The best “someday” is the day we have right now.
We all come from different spiritual traditions and backgrounds, but I’m sure we all believe in love and the power of good in the world. In my tradition, we say merry Christmas. Whatever your holiday is, I wish you the best holiday and a very happy new year.
If you have any questions, feel free to call or email me. I would love to hear from you.